tiistai 5. helmikuuta 2013


Tein seurapiiriretken kirjailija, kuvantekijä ja upeanainen Katariina Sourin putiikin avajaisiin. Sourin omia teoksia sekä niiden innoittamia tuotteita myyvä liike on superkaunis kokonaistaideteos. Ja ennen kaikkea siellä on runsaasti eläimiä!!!
Elefantti ja elefantin tekijä.
"Pink Madonna"

Kärppä on päässyt muunakin kuin asusteena kuninkaallisen kanssa samaan kuvaan.
Myös kunnianarvoisella Leonardo da Vincilla on kärppäaiheinen maalaus!
Luulisi melkein, että olen itse ottanut tämänkin kuvan, mutta en ole!
Truely man is the king of beasts, for his brutality exceeds theirs.  We live by the death of others:  we are burial places!  I have from an early age abjured the use of meat, and the time will come when men such as I will look on the murder of animals as they now look on the murder of men.  ~Leonardo da Vinci
Ainakin viiden eri lajin edustajia!
Iibis kohtaa mestarivalokuvaajan. 
James Hurst on kirjoittanut The Scarlet Ibis -nimisen novellin:

"And so we came to those days when summer was dead but autumn had not yet been born. It was Saturday noon, just a few days before the start of school. Daddy, Mama, Doodle, and I were seated at the dining room table, having lunch. Suddenly from out in the yard came a strange croaking noise. Doodle stopped eating. "What's that?" He slipped out into the yard, and looked up into the bleeding tree. "It's a big red bird!"

Mama and Daddy came out. On the topmost branch perched a bird the size of a chicken, with scarlet feathers and long legs.

At that moment, the bird began to flutter. It tumbled down through the bleeding tree and landed at our feet with a thud. Its graceful neck jerked twice and then straightened out, and the bird was still. It lay on the earth like a broken vase of red flowers, and even death could not mar its beauty.

"What is it?" Doodle asked.

"It's a scarlet ibis," Daddy said.

Sadly, we all looked at the bird. How many miles had it traveled to die like this, in our yard, beneath the bleeding tree?"

Myös heppa-, peura- ja iibisriipuksia!
Annankatu 11!

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